Hotels are a world of their own. When a guest enters the front doors, they’re whisked away. There’s no denying the romantic tropes of visiting a hotel – countless movies have been made to this effect. However, the reality of a hotel, particularly for staff, is a 24-hour machine. From early morning breakfast service to lunch, dinner and a late-night drink at the bar – along with all-day room service, a hotel is a machine that doesn’t stop moving. Whether you run a large chain or a small hotel, they both have one thing in common; non-stop dirty dishes.
It’s not difficult to imagine the mountain of dishes that would accumulate daily without a good warewasher. Tea and coffee-stained cups and sauces, glasses full of juice pulp, greasy frypans, dried pancake-batter bowls, eggy omelette pans and plates, cereal crusted bowls for breakfast. Then, soda filled glassware, a few wine glasses, greasy plates, chip cones, small ramekins filled with dressing for lunch. Baked on trays, crusted fry pans, dirty stockpots, wine glasses, plates and ramekins and ice cream bowls for dinner and dessert. Finishing the day off with highballs, fruit pulped tumblers, long and short-stemmed lipstick-stained wine glasses, beer mugs and delicate cocktail glasses at the bar. With a mountain of cutlery to accompany each meal and room service accounted for, it is an overwhelmingly big job to tackle. That’s where Winterhalter comes in.

Maximal wash results
using minimal man power

Hygiene requirements
and standards are met

High volume capability

Accessible customer

Space saving

Continuous operation
with minimal down-time

A solution tailor made
for every hotel

Minimal water and
detergent consumption
Our Clients In The Industry